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Saturday, February 28, 2015

ESPRESSO Death Wish Coffee, The World's Strongest Ground Coffee Beans

ESPRESSO Death Wish Coffee, The World's Strongest Ground Coffee Beans

ESPRESSO Death Wish Coffee, The World's Strongest Ground Coffee Beans

ESPRESSO Death Wish Coffee, The World's Strongest Ground Coffee Beans

I like this coffee. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. It tastes good, the bag is quite obviously cool, and it would make a great gift to a caffeine monster for the gag potential alone (that's why it was given to me).

Here's the catch: like powdered rhino horn, term life insurance, or Carmelo Anthony I don't know if it delivers on it's promise. When I first started drinking this (through both brew and french press), I was actually cutting it with decaf because I was worried about tweaking like Tuco from "Breaking Bad." With no preliminary adverse side effects, I eventually started hitting the powder raw without cutting it - and still my hands were steady.

I drink roughly 2.5 cups per day, not sure if that makes me a heavy user, but Death Wish didn't turn me into Jason Statham in "Crank." I don't know if Death Wish really is double the strength as regular coffee, or if I'm just immune to caffeine, but I cannot say that this coffee affected me differently than any other coffee. If that's why you're buying Death Wish, you have been warned - after all, 19.99 is steep for 16 ounce bag of coffee. My heart stayed at sub hummingbird levels, I was able to operate heavy machinery, and I didn't stay up till 4 in the morning. In conclusion, I lived with a Death Wish, and I survived.

ESPRESSO Death Wish Coffee, The World's Strongest Ground Coffee Beans

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